Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Happiness Is Success

This article is all about happiness in life, everyone here right from the humans to animals, we all are here to live a happy life. If a person is full of money without happiness, success without happiness, intelligence without happiness is totally none other than a worthless life. We are spiritual beings in physical bodies. The spiritual part is always happy. It is the happiness factor. Your mind and thoughts hide this happiness essence, like a cloud hiding the sun, but it is there all the time. We seek happiness outside because we believe it is out there, but it actually always within you. It starts from within, but we associate with the external events, possessions, and people.

Happiness is the key towards leading a happy life. Happiness has no common definition and meaning that is accepted by all. Every individual defines happiness in his/her own unique way that he/her feels it. 

Happiness can never be seen, it can only be felt by the one who get it. Happiness is said to be an individual belief's, faith, desires and aspiration.

Happiness is connected with things that make you feel happy such as faith wealth, career, relationships and love. For many people, happiness is much more than career, wealth and success.

For instance, spiritual leaders explain happiness as something which comes from within us. Still there are many people around us who claims that they have achieved everything in life in terms of wealth, career and success. But still they feel unhappy, unfulfilled, incomplete and anxious and fail to get happiness, such people will get frustrated and can attempt suicide in depression. 

For some, happiness means loving life and see others happy. Some people find happiness in which they are interested such as singing, dancing, writing and many more. Some conquer happiness in being simple and yet the best person they can be ever. Everyone has their won unique way to feel happy by finding things that they are never expected to find. 

It is also said that happiness is attaining something which is important to you as compared to all other things. Happiness is also said to be a way to have the positive attitude towards life. Happiness can also be attained by doing good deeds towards others or treating others the way that makes you and them happy as well.    

" There are those people who are so poor that the only thing they have is money "

Even tough who have owe all the luxurious of the world sometimes fail to attain happiness. Ultimately the decision to be happy lies with us. Finding happiness with the things we have is very important in life. If you are choosing happiness in success then you must keep trying to succeed if once failed. 

So friends, be happy and try to make others happy. God has gifted us a very cheerful smile and vice versa God will make your life more graceful.

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