Sunday, September 14, 2014

A Boy & A Girl Never Be Just Friends!

A boy and a girl were die hard friends..
relation of friendship were most meant to them,
Their bonds were too tight as they were befriend..
no one had the power to make their friendship bend.

Their friendship started shining..

the other side love started brightening,
Was this a love or something else..
they think, Both of their feelings were only a mess.

Every moment they hide their feelings with each other..

all their dreams were of being together,
their eyes seems full of love..
But they were ignoring love with self.

Their friendship story stepped forward..
Everyday, somewhere having a fear as they were Coward,
they were still happy in relation of friendship..
Was this a decision right of being friends as a kinship??

After few months, the quarrel took place..

it was just like a lightning before a tremendous rain,
both were not ready to turn back, and be sorry..
That moment they decided to end the relation in cruelty.

Forget the friendship..

the points made loud and clear,
where was the kinship?
for which we endear?

So finally they shared their feeling of love..

at the same moment, they both were in tears,
but they think, that they are not good for relation with each other.
     So, a Boy & a Girl never be just friends..!!!

1 comment:

  1. sweet poem... reminded me of my days @college..
