Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Gaurav Purohit : A Revenge Story

Firstly, let me ask you a simple question, How many of you took a revenge? In a dictionary, a word Revenge means inflict hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong done to oneself. If our classmate speaks some abusing to our work, we hold it in our heart, we feel angry and directly our mood goes down. And next to the day, when we become a harsh minded person and hurt him badly, break his hands, give a slap. In films revenge means, fights, abusing scene of hero and a villain and etc. But now in this blog I would like to share a true word of revenge, and this blog is all about an inspiring human. So let's introduce the newcomer novelist, Mr. Gaurav Purohit, he took revenge, he selected his weapon a passion. His thinking was to become a novelist.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

निसर्ग: एक वेगळाच आनंद

आणि रिम-झिम्णारा पाऊस थांबला..
आणि रिम-झिम्णारा पाऊस थांबला..

एक सकट पक्ष्यांचा कळप बाहेर पडला.. 
सगळे पक्षी गाणी गुण-गुणात सैरा वैरा पळाली, 
व आनंद व्यक्त करू लागली.

आणि तितक्यात सूर्य उजड़ला..
आणि तितक्यात सूर्य उजड़ला.. 

वन, प्राणी, मनुष्य प्रत्येकाला आपली भेट देऊ लागला..
व अक्खा निसर्गावर आशेची किरण उमगु लागला.

मित्रांनो, निसर्ग म्हणजे.. 
निसर्ग म्हणजे जीवन जगण्याचे अनेक कारण..
गंगा आणि गोदावरी यांचे संगम, 
रात्रि चन्द्र तर सकाळी सूर्याचे आगमन.. 
असा हा निसर्ग